

Welcome to my official web presence!

Follow this blog to keep up to date on all of my latest projects and publication details.

Friday, April 15, 2016


It is with great pleasure that I present my first novel, The Irrelevant Tales, on sale now!

If you decide to purchase a copy, please take a moment to say a few words of review either at the site you purchased it from or on GoodReads.  I’ve listed a few sites below but feel free to check your favorite online book seller.

Thanks again for all of your support!


Print Copy

Digital eBook

Have a Kindle? Currently the Kindle copy is available from the Smashwords link above. It is soon to be on Amazon’s site. Also available from Apple’s iBooks store!

Monday, April 11, 2016


I’m happy to say that the printed proof of “The Irrelevant Tales” looks great! The cover is a bit darker than I’d originally wanted but it seems to convey more of that mysterious quality that my main character, Dr. Vant, exhibits so well. So everything seems good to go. Now it is just a matter of time!

This Friday, April 15th, order your printed copy and hold the novel in your hands days later. Can’t wait that long? The eBook will be available to read on Friday!

Anxiously yours,


Monday, April 4, 2016


I’m proud to report that the print edition of “The Irrelevant Tales” is coming along nicely. I’ve completed the formatting and uploaded it to Amazon’s CreateSpace. They gave it the green light and I’m expecting to see the physical proof this week. If everything looks good then you’ll be able to order your own hard copy on April 15th, the novel’s official launch date and hold it in your hand a day or two later!

I’ve also started posting some unique pictures depicting scenes from the novel on the Violet Top Hat instagram account.  Click the “Instagram” link off at the side to see more.

Stay tuned...
